Over the weekend of 6-8 September, 2013, One Hour, a group exhibition curated by Graham Keddie, brought conceptual and contemporary art out of the confines of the gallery and into the depths of rural Northamptonshire. With notions relating to place and time being a central focus, the starting point for each exhibiting artist was to spend one hour in a specific location and make new work in response to this. Binding the diverse nature of the exhibited works together was the conceptual neatness of their titles. Each artist selected their “one hour” according to the 24-hour clock, so that the hours, minutes and seconds, mirrored the date in the format of DD/MM/YY. However, no such limiting factors were imposed on the selection of locations, so places such as home, an independent record store, a lake, a foot tunnel and other internal and external environments all come under the creative scrutiny of the exhibiting artists.